Saturday, August 13, 2016

Ideal Election

After a severe animation depression, of course it would be these two shows that God used to motivate me out of depression (with me kicking and screaming). The two election candidates in this image, for those who don't know, are Mabel Pines from the brilliant show Gravity Falls and Ferb Fletcher from another brilliant show Phineas and Ferb.

I drew this sketch while I was thinking about the current election campaigns. As the title says, this is my ideal election. You can't lose! On the other hand, this election might be as hard to decide for some people as the current one. This picture isn't my best drawing of Mabel as an adult, but I've done plenty better ones I hope to share soon. I also need to work on my perspective.

The story behind the art: I think Mabel here would be one of Ferb's only debate opponents who didn't give in to his views and encourage everyone to vote for him. She would- however- ask him after the debate if he had any plans for dinner. He would respectfully tell her he was in a committed relationship, but thanks anyway. As you can see the political parties of our country have changed their symbols somewhat. They're each the pet of the candidates shown: Waddles and Perry the Platypus respectively.

Thank you God for getting me out of my distress. I mean it.

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