Sunday, April 14, 2024

Dromea from Superterra

These drawings are of Dromea, a character from a story I've invented. Dromea is an alien. As you can see, she is bipedal but has four arms: two "lifting arms" and two "manipulating arms." Her species does not have necks like humans, so they were compensated by the second pair of eyes on the outside of their heads, allowing them to see further from side to side. They have spider-like pedipalps and chelicerae, but they have mammal-like skin and hair. They have white to gray to black skin and similarly colored hair.

Dromea has a set of white discolored spots on her gray skin which resemble large human freckles.

These other drawings are sketches I did trying to figure out their anatomy and how best to draw it.

God be with me. The semester is almost over. God's will be done for these drawings and everything else. I love you. Amen.