Monday, January 16, 2017


The trouble with sharing random bits from my sketches is that I want to share them but feel that these sketches and whims of ideas are at least to some extent inferior with the work I have already put on this site. This is especially true since I have shown good work and am eager to show more, but I'm working on so many different things in an effort to improve them that none are finished (or anywhere close to it).

In short, it feels like this sketch. This drawing started as my attempt to draw a different cartoon body type besides "really tall and really long." After that, I added a stick figure and suddenly it told a story. The smaller figure is eager to meet and befriend the bigger one, but the idea of doing so must look impossible to him. I feel the same way when I'm talking to anyone I'm not completely familiar with. I also feel this way sharing my two-bits of drawing with potentially the whole of the internet and any future employers. The stick figure is succeeding where I normally fail. I can only hope God puts my efforts to His own good use, because I'm pretty much powerless to even do what this stick figure is doing.

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