Sunday, January 19, 2020


This is a drawing that I did as an illustration of a story my friend wrote. Here is the link to that story: You should read it. It's diction is engaging and well done, its minimalist style is easy to follow, and it plays with reader's expectations for the genre in a way that's optimistic and satisfying.

I did this drawing over Christmas Break, and I don't really have an excuse for not posting it here sooner. It's a pretty good drawing. I can definitely see the influence my art classes have had on my work. For example, this drawing has actual depth. The characters aren't just standing right next to each other in a blank white space. There's also foreshortening, which I'm particularly proud of. Obviously there are still some problems, particularly with the perspective and Erigo's proportions. But, overall, I'm very proud of it. I like the lightning effect and the sorcerer's finger. The contrast of the dark and light parts draw the eyes nicely to the two figures. I was trying to capture the energy of the finger from The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl. The sorcerer's design was actually inspired by Blackwolf from the animated movie Wizards by Ralph Bakshi. I should mention I've never actually seen the whole movie. I've just seen some of the art for it. Erigo's design was mostly inspired by stills I could find of Aragorn from the live action Lord of the Rings movies.

It's, I think, the first time anyone has essentially commissioned me. So I tried to pull out all the stops. God's will be done, as always. I leave this up to you.