Sunday, February 17, 2019

Evil Queen

When I was constructing my super villain family, I wanted them each to be a different type of super villain, as is only natural. The mom being a half-alien just seemed like a natural fit, I couldn't really say why. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted her story to subvert the typical "beautiful alien girl" stereotype. I wanted her alien features to be weird, not just weirdly beautiful. It made me think about what it would have been like to grow up like that. So this is Vejle (it's Danish, pronounced sort of like "VEYE-lah"). Blotches of her skin along with her eyes and part of her hair are discolored. She has an undeveloped set of second arms, wings, etc. Usually she covers this stuff up with contacts, dye, and makeup, but it's still not easy. Originally I was going to color in one of her eyes, but I decided not to mess with it.

After I drew Vejle, I also wanted to draw Harrison in the same more realistic style. I know he's not quite as visually interesting as Vejle, but he's more colorful than her under the surface, psychologically speaking. I used actual pictures of humans as references for these first two drawings.

These two I did just today. This style might end up being more realistic than what I would actually draw them as if this won't be a book. We'll find out. Anyway, in the above picture you can see more of her features from this angle. The picture below is of when she was younger- maybe a few years before she met Harrison- when she was still part of a pro-alien extremist activist group. Ironically, despite the group she was in at the time, she was actually less comfortable with her identity than she became. Hence why her blotches are covered up on the second one. I drew them and then erased them, just to see what it looked like. I didn't do so well on her hand. I messed it up too many times, but I think it turned out okay now.
Interestingly enough it was easier to do the picture above than the one below. I used more references, so that was definitely part of it. It was cool to do the wings, since I don't usually get to do transparent stuff- means I don't have to erase so much stuff from earlier.

This last one, as you can see, is the earliest of all of them. It's from before I'd even designed Harrison's costume. I just had this image of the pair of them in my head, and wanted to draw it. Their children imagine that they were always in love. They think he was the mastermind and she was his Shego-like enforcer, but it was not so simple. I wish I'd thought to at least attempt her wings then... I like the visual contrast here between her and Harrison. I'd like to draw more of them together. They make quite the team.
I had a really nice weekend. My dad came up to visit and we mostly just hung out and walked around. I'm really thankful for the life God has given me, not least of all because of the perspective it lends me for stuff like this. Feels good. Thanks so much God, please help me through these next few weeks. I love you.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Boy Behind the Mask

Someone else I was thinking about in class: this is Franklin "Frankie," aka Titan-Boy. I decided I wanted to draw his face and the under-suit he wears that controls the smart bots that make up his super-suit. This was also good practice in giving my characters distinctive visual features, since I tend to give them all sort of the same face whenever I'm not using a reference. Originally his chin was more triangular like many of my other characters, but I made it a bit squarer when thinking about Optimus Prime again. I did a side-by-side drawing with the mask on just because I think it's cool. I like masks that actually obscure the character's face. That being said, the hair is a dead giveaway. I should have drawn the outlet on his suit bigger and flatter probably. It was funner than I expected to design his civilian outfit and think about what that said about him.
I had a similarly interesting time designing the second character, who I'm calling Odella for now (maybe just Odell?). I had a hard time deciding what exactly I wanted her to look like so the audience would understand as much as I want them to. As you see, she knows Frankie in his civilian identity, and she knows what he does with a lot of his time. They're friends, sort of, but not in the way you might expect. I want to say more, but I'm still hoping I can make this into an actual animated webseries when I have the experience for it.
I'm really happy to see Frankie come to life more in front of me. God's will be done, thanks for helping me to put this stuff out here today.

Supervillain Dad

I've had an idea in my head for a long time about a family of super villains (given my intense love for the Incredibles) who had once been the terrors of the earth and were now raising the next generation in hiding. I'm planning on making it into a book, though I'm not sure if that's the right format yet. I've developed them a lot since then, but I only recently took the time to visually design a few of these characters. The man in the first drawing, the head of the family, the paterfamilias, was known in his prime as Judge Executioner, Hangman to his friends. Imagine his costume there as almost all-black and grey. I imagined his hood as a cross between an executioner's mask and the hoods one would put on someone they're interrogating, etc. I used quite a few references when designing him until I finally got what he looks like in my head. This might not be the final design (it might be more like the smaller ones), but it's much closer then I had originally.
The fourth image is a doodle I did in class when I was trying to figure out what the mask should look like. The one here is scary, sure, but I didn't feel like it evoked Hangman. However, the drawing itself is of Hangman's daughter Moira when she finds his mask in his old stuff. I liked the idea of that moment so much I kept it here (whenever I see it I kind of hear the music from when Luke is taking Vader's mask off). 
My mom has noted on more than one occasion that I have a strange fascination with villains. I think a lot of which just comes from the fact that they're different from other people. I think that's a lot of what I'm going for with this story. God's will be done, who has mercy on the righteous and the unrighteous, the good and the wicked. Thank you for having mercy on me.