Thursday, April 20, 2017


As you can see from the picture, I did this drawing one week ago. It was actually during my spring break, but I didn't post it that day because me and my family were doing college tours. Very exciting, but I had some time to kill so I drew this as quickly as I could in pen. I read some advice from Dana Terrace recently that people who want to be animators should practice drawing people in situations with other people. You may have noticed I don't always do this in my drawings so I wanted to do it in this one. I also wanted to draw the characters in more dynamic poses than normal, and it worked very well for a rush job.

Looking at the drawing, I'm not sure if I was subliminally drawing about my feelings during this time or not. The anxiety and concern the characters are showing didn't come from nowhere, but I don't feel particularly anxious about my college search or about not posting to this blog enough. God will make thinks happen how they should, regardless of whether that's how I want them to be. There's nothing I can do that's so bad God can't turn it around somehow. Now if only I could convince my unconscious mind of that.

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